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Shortlist Services

At Verse Group we understand that the key to shortlisting are speed and effective assessment. A candidate is most engaged in the job-seeking process and less likely to receive an alternative job offer if the time from application receipt to shortlist interview is reduced and as HR professionals will know, a resume alone is the single worst predictor of candidate suitability.

So what do you do if you don’t have the time or expertise necessary for the early stages of the recruitment process?

That’s where we come in. Verse Group offers fast results, delivering candidate shortlists evaluated by trained and qualified advisors who are experts in screening and behavioural assessment.

With the ratio of applicants to job advertisements on the rise and expected to continue, many organisations have recognised the benefits of outsourcing the time consuming resume screening and initial behavioural assessment components of recruitment.

Here’s how it works…

Methodology Overview

Your Verse Group Shortlisting Advisor will review, screen and undertake behavioral assessments to ascertain the top applicants for your role within 5 business days. Need it earlier? Depending on the role, a shortlist can be delivered in as little as 48 hours. Call us to discuss your specific needs.
Once we’ve shortlisted it’s over to you; you contact any or all shortlisted candidates to arrange interviews and you get to keep control of all background verification and hiring decisions.


You write the job advertisement, place it on a job board and then call us to undertake the shortlisting, alternatively, we can write and place the job advertisement for you and also incorporate our Social Media strategies into the search function.

Reduced time-to-hire

By reducing the time between applications and shortlist interviews you reduce the number of applicants you lose midway through the process because they get offers from other employers before you get the chance to make a decision. Because the good candidates in the market usually are not actively looking for new positions for long, the faster you can take an application through to shortlist interview stage, typically the more likely you are to keep the best applicants.

However, the same must be said for the time between shortlist to offer, so it’s best if you engage Verse Group when you are genuinely ready to hire to prevent your shortlist of the best candidates in the market waiting to hear from you and slowly dwindling away while other employers make decisions and offers in the meantime. We don’t like to see our clients waste their money and lose talent due to hiring delays!

No hidden costs

Got your shortlist? Hire the best applicant. Hire five of them. There are no hidden costs or placement fees to pay.